The OFRN's research projects create jobs and commercialize technology in and for Ohio
The Ohio Federal Research Network (OFRN) projects are aligned with federal requirements; have a clear path to job creation; capitalize on Ohio’s investment involving multiple Ohio research universities and firms that provide cost-share to leverage the Ohio investment further; and attract other Department of Defense and industry funding in Ohio.
Each OFRN research project goes through a competitive request for proposal (RFP) process where it is thoroughly vetted by the OFRN Technical Advisory Counsel and Federal partners from NASA Glenn Research Center (NASA GRC), Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC), the Naval Aerospace Medical Unit – Dayton (NAMRU-D), and the Ohio National Guard; and are approved by the OFRN Executive Advisory Board before submitted for final approval by the Ohio Department of Higher Education.
OFRN is not an investment fund. The bulk of OFRN financial resources are entrusted by The Ohio Legislature and are earmarked for various projects identified by OFRN partners and collaborators.
The OFRN Research Projects Infographic
This infographic illustrates each of the OFRN-funded research projects to date and where they align in application. You can download this interactive PDF by submitting your email below:

Quantum Sensor System using Rydberg Atoms
Structural Materials Joining in Space