AOI: Human Performance
OPTICS will leverage Kairos’s advanced software prototyping capability to implement a dashboard tool for real-time physiological monitoring and visualization of cognitive state. This project will capitalize and expand upon Kairos’s existing DoD-funded technology by incorporating ocular and physiological signals predictive of suboptimal cognitive states such as fatigue and loss of vigilance. Additionally, the team will apply robust machine learning approaches to dynamically classify and predict an operator’s cognitive state through real-time integration of diverse physiological signals, including ocular as well as cardio-respiratory signals.
This project seeks to: (1) develop and demonstrate real-time algorithms that analyze eye movements and other physiological indicators to identify and predict cognitive states related to impending loss of consciousness and/or incapacitation (such as fatigue, drowsiness, and loss of vigilance); (2) develop a real-time dashboard visualization tool that allows for monitoring of ocular/physiological data and associated cognitive states and that provides alerts when an operator has entered a sub-optimal cognitive state (e.g., fatigue state).
Impact & Commercial Potential:
Initial transition efforts will focus on the DoD (primarily AFRL), with the goal of providing human performance researchers with a highly flexible tool that can support real-time data visualization and cognitive state analyses across a wide range of human performance research studies and operational task scenarios. Additionally, the project team will target the global driver monitoring systems (DMS) market, which generated $1.8 billion in 2021, and which is estimated to reach $4.6 billion by 2031. This market is expected to achieve a compound annual growth rate of 10.2% from 2022 to 2031, reflecting the demand for integration of intelligent safety technologies into increasingly ‘smart’ commercial vehicles, as well as high demand for safety features in consumer vehicles.