OFRN Round 6 is now closed. A list of awarded projects can be found in the November 17, 2023 press release.
Round 6 Solicitation released 3/1/2023
The OFRN Round 6 Opportunity Announcement is focused on expanding Ohio’s research and development capabilities across the state’s academic institutions and business in support of Ohio-based Department of Defense federal partner needs, which ultimately promotes Ohio’s economic growth.
Key Dates & Events
Opportunity Announcement Formal Release | March 1, 2023 |
Webinar: Informational Session and Q&A with AOI SMEs | March 2, 2023 (12:00pm - 1:00pm ET) Click to view the March 2, 2023 info session recording March 7, 2023 (4:00pm - 5:00pm ET) |
Bidders Conference and Proposal Training [Mandatory] | March 14, 2023 (9:00am - 11:00am) |
Webinar: Informational Session and Q&A with AOI SMEs | April 17, 2023 (3:00pm - 4:00pm) |
Proposal Questions Accepted Through | April 18, 2023, by 4:00 pm ET |
Round 6 Solicitation Due date | April 28, 2023, by 5:00pm ET |
Notification of Finalists | June 9, 2023 |
Interview Sessions for Finalists | week of June 26, 2023 |
Awards Announced | August 2023 |
Projects Start | October 2023 |
OFRN Round 6 is seeking applied research only at a Technical Readiness Level (TRL) of 3 or higher. Areas of Interest (AOIs) include topics in:
1. Hypersonics:
- Gradient Printed Structures for High Thermal Gradient Applications
- Novel Joining/Sealing Techniques for High-Speed Vehicle/Propulsion Systems
2. Human Performance:
- Physiological and environmental monitoring for ocular health and human performance
- XR telemedicine/patent care in austere/isolated environments
3. High Power Energy Conversion:
- Affordable DC Emulation and Digital Engineering
- Beta-Gallium Oxide (β-Ga2O3) Substrate Development
4. Digital Engineering Tools:
- Techniques to convert between model fidelity levels or the development of surrogate models using machine learning and artificial intelligence tools for applications in complex engineering systems and digital twins
- Methods (low cost) model validation and assessment of digital maturity metrics
5. Commercial Space in Low Earth Orbit:
- Materials Joining Automation in Low Earth Orbit
- On-Orbit Biomanufacturing and Repurposing of Space-based Materials
6. Quantum Sensing Technologies:
- Stimulate the development and integration of quantum sensing technologies into quantum systems to realize broader quantum systems of enhanced capability
This announcement seeks to leverage Ohio’s unique research capabilities and its federal partner’s expertise to accelerate technology development and innovation by increasing collaboration across government, academic, and industry organizations and promoting student experiential learning.
Submit Round 6 Solicitation questions to OFRN-Question@parallaxresearch.org
OFRN Round 6 Opportunity Announcement
APPENDIX 1 - Student Experiential Engagement
APPENDIX 2 - Parallax CON-001 Vendor Form
APPENDIX 3 - Cost Share Guidelines
APPENDIX 4 - Excel Cost Worksheet
APPENDIX 5A - Subcontract Terms Conditions Private Univ-Colleges-Industry
APPENDIX 5B - Subcontract Terms and Conditions - Public Universities or Colleges
APPENDIX 6 - Business and Cost Proposal Template
APPENDIX 7 - Quad Chart Template
APPENDIX 8 - Tables for use in Proposal Submission Template
APPENDIX 8 Amendment 01 – Tables for use in Proposal Submission Template
BRIEFING: OFRN Round 6 Info Sesson Briefing (March 2023)
BRIEFING: OFRN Round 6 Info Sesson Briefing (April 2023)
RESOURCE: OFRN Round 6 Opportunity Annoucement Submission Checklist
RESOURCE: DAF Maturity Guide pdf version
RESOURCE: DAF Digital Maturity Assessment Spreadsheet
Team Matchmaking Services
The Matchmaking tool was created for those wanting to pursue the OFRN Round 6 solicitation and in need of a required partner or a subcontractor with particular talents to fill a gap on the proposal, or wanting to offer services as a potential partner or subcontractor click here to go to the Matchmaking tool