You can contact our Ohio Federal Research Network team by dropping us a message via our website’s contact page, or by calling us at +1 (937) 705-1000.
We maintain consistent communications with our federal partners and support them in the process to develop the OFRN Areas of Interest. Further, OFRN funded teams have a standing relationship with a federal subject matter expert who has technical expertise and interest in the project’s research and output. The OFRN engages with its partners via meetings and quarterly briefings.
Yes, Round 7 was released on February 4, 2025. There will be additional future rounds of funding managed by the Ohio Federal Research Network. You can stay up to date with announcements of future OFRN funding rounds by joining our mailing list via our website homepage, here.
To achieve the Ohio Federal Research Network mission, we catalyze federal, academic, and commercial collaborations to support the future growth of Ohio’s workforce with a focus on the priority research initiatives of Ohio-based federal and state partners, including:
Naval Medical Research Unit Dayton (NAMRU-D)
National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC)
National Aeronautical and Space Administration’s Glenn Research Center (NASA-GRC)
The Ohio Federal Research Network partners with 23 Ohio universities and colleges. Please view our complete university and college partner list on the “Our Partners” webpage, here.
The Ohio Federal Research Network partners with 106 Ohio industry businesses and growing. Please view our complete industry partner list on the “Our Partners” webpage, here.
Each request for proposal defines specific requirements. Additionally, we provide training on proposal development during Offerors days as part of the pre-solicitation process. Please stay connected with OFRN by attending OFRN events and signing up for OFRN newsletters and announcements to receive the timing of future opportunities. You can join the Ohio Federal Research Network mailing list by signing up via the official website on the homepage, at:
The Ohio Federal Research Network team matchmaking service entails locating and connecting potential collaborators within the Ohio Federal Research Network to pursue federal and state R&D funding opportunities through collaborative innovation.
The OFRN utilizes networking and collaboration as solutions to innovation gaps present within Ohio-based federal entities. The OFRN’s networking and collaboration service identifies science and technology capabilities across academia, industry, and the government and builds strategic partnerships between each group to support federal missions. To achieve this objective, the OFRN has identified a key suite of networking and collaboration services that are available to our network partners:
Federal agency and congressional engagement strategies
Planning and execution of industry outreach events, communication, and PR for OFRN and its funded research projects
Team matchmaking to help those that need to find a required partner for a solicitation submission
Ohio industry, academia, and government collaboration on Advanced Air Mobility research and transition
Contact our team at using our contact form for an introduction to members of our network.
The OFRN offers Education, Training & Proposal Navigation for SBIR & STTR proposal teams.
The OFRN education and training service offers in-person mentoring, training programs, and educational content that is focused on increasing academic and industry engagement and partnerships with federal and state agencies for science and technology research and development. The curriculum covers:
(1) How to apply for a current OFRN solicitation round SBIR/STTR Proposal Process Navigation
(2) Workforce development for meeting federal and state priorities reflected in a current solicitation
Each OFRN-funded R&D project is aligned with federal requirements, has a clear path to job creation, and capitalizes on Ohio’s investment involving multiple Ohio research universities and firms that provide cost-share to further leverage the Ohio investment and attract other Department of Defense and industry funding in Ohio. Therefore, each OFRN-funded R&D project inherently contributes to workforce development and has resulted in spinouts, the creation of high-quality jobs in Ohio, and commercialized technologies.
The achieve these workforce development objectives, the OFRN offers the following services:
1) Funding for R&D projects that lead to high-quality job creation and spinouts
2) Student Experiential Engagement (SEE) program, which recruits and hires student interns to work and learn throughout an OFRN-funded R&D project
A minimum of one proposal team member has to attend. An administrative manager would be perfectly fine.
All questions regarding the Round 7 Solicitation should be submitted via email to
The only requirement for the industrial partner is that the company has to have a physical presence in the State of Ohio. As long as the organization has an office of some type – it doesn’t have to be headquarters for the company, but you do have to have some kind of a physical presence in the state of Ohio to participate in the program. This organization must be incorporated in the U.S. and be at least 51% owned and controlled by U.S. citizens or permanent resident aliens. There is no limit on number of employees.
The OFRN Round 7 Solicitation does not contain a general topic area of interest (AOI)
Recordings of the information sessions can be accessed from the OFRN Round 7 solicitation site
AFIT is considered an Ohio university and yes they can be considered part of the proposal team. AFIT cannot be considered as a Federal Collaborator.
The OFRN Round 7 Solicitation site has a Matchmaking tool that you can utilize for finding a Round 6 partner.
SIGN-UP to list skills sought for a required partner or to list your skills to join a team for an OFRN proposal.
To request an introduction, select PARTNER INQUIRY. Then 1) Check the ID# for the organizations with which you would be interested in meeting. As you make selections, the Partner IDs are automatically entered into the form at the bottom of the screen (note: the list is on multiple pages, apply the filter to view more than 3 pages at a time). 2) At the bottom of the screen, Enter your contact information and select Get Started. 3)
We will review your request and send an email to connect you with the selected organization.
Anticipated awards range from $800,000 to $1,250,000 each, exclusive of any cost share proposed. Proposed total costs target should be between $750,000 to $1,500,000 excluding cost share.
Equipment, equipment purchases need to be realistic, supportable, essential to your research and fully utilized during your period of performance. If there is an essential need for equipment, it can be proposed but the point of this program is not to buy equipment. You are encouraged to look for alternative ways to get the capability so your funding can support your research.
The matchmaking tool was meant to assist an organization in finding university and/or industry partners. If you DO NOT have an established relationship with an Ohio-based Federal lab, have exhausted your resources, and need assistance with connecting with one you can reach out to OFRN for assistance by submitting a request to and putting in the subject line: "Federal Collaborator needed" and the AOI number) with a request that includes the AOI subtopic. You can include any additional information that would assist OFRN when reaching out to the Federal SMEs to facilitate finding a Federal Government Sponsor. Do not use the Matchmaking tool for finding a government sponsor.
No, a university partner retains the classification of university partner regardless if the lead organization is an academic or industry organization.
Yes, Sinclair and other associate colleges in Ohio can be a university partner in the OFRN proposal. This also includes community colleges.
Student names are not expected in the proposal. Intern names can be confirmed after awards are made. The information to include in the proposal should be focused on your plan for a student intern. Include the following information as referenced in Appendix 2 and the March 6 Offerors Conference and Proposal Training:
- Student’s core curriculum should be STEM focused with student recruitment limited to Ohio Universities and Community Colleges.
- Create a purpose statement defining the nature of the internship work and how it will benefit the proposed project outcome.
- Describe the Innovation opportunities the Student will be exposed to and how their participation will enhance their learning and benefit their individual career path.
- Describe the Project Team’s mechanisms for interacting with Students and providing an inclusive environment.
- Develop a timeline, budget and oversight structure for the program along with a mechanism for the Student to provide their own assessment of the experience.
- Project Teams are encouraged to investigate and utilize existing academic and State programs currently in operation.
The primary industry participant has to have a physical location in Ohio.
Federal sponsors need to be from one of the Federal labs in Ohio (AFRL, NAMRU-D, NASA GRC, and NASIC). The individual does not have to be the person who spoke for the topic areas at the information webinars. If you have an existing relationship with someone at one of the Federal labs list, you can use them as a Federal partner for your proposal as appropriate.
There is no minimum requirement for the level of effort from an Industry partner in terms of budget or number of hours. Proposals must include a minimum of two Ohio public or private universities or colleges and one industry partner (with a physical presence in Ohio) each with significant contribution to the proposed effort. Appendix 3A states in Section A.12 "In accordance with OFRN Round 7 eligibility requirements, proposals must include a minimum of two Ohio public or private universities or colleges and one industry partner (working from a location in Ohio) each with significant contribution to the proposed effort."
There can be multiple Federal partners listed on an OFRN Round 7 proposal submission; however, at least one Federal partner needs to be from one of the Federal labs in Ohio (AFRL, NAMRU-D, NASA-GRC, and NASIC) in order to meet the Federal partner requirement listed in section 2.5 of the OFRN Round 7 Opportunity Announcement.
A bibliography is not required as part of the OFRN Round 7 proposal submission. If a bibliography is included in your proposal, it will count in your page limit. Similarly use your judgment regarding use of references. You can make a statement without relying on a reference; however, if it is helpful then include it. References will count in your page limit.
Yes, the indirect cost should be included in the total budget $800K to $1.25M.
See Appendix 3 Section G.1 Resumes. “Full length resumes referenced in sections A.10 and A.12 should be abbreviated (maximum 5 pages) and submitted as an appendix.” Items in the appendices do not count towards the page limit.
As long as you have 1 Ohio industry partner that meets the requirement, then the non Ohio company can be involved
Response: there are a couple of ways to access the FAQ on the OFRN Round 7 solicitation site:
- Go to and select “View FAQ”
- Use this direct link
- Go to the bottom of the webpage and select “FAQ” located in the bottom left of the site.
You do not need to attach the communications with Federal Collorbator as the record. Providing their name, title, department, agency, phone and email on the cover page of the proposal (item #3 Government POC) is sufficient. In Appendix 3A Technical Proposal Template, sections A.5 (Identification and significance of the Problem or Opportunity) and A.8 (Federal Partner Applications) you have the opportunity to provide information about the Federal Partner contact and identified needs as appropriate for the section.
Yes, for Appendix 3A Section A.10 Key Personnel, include a couple of sentences about each in the Technical Proposal. Identify all key personnel involved in the project. Include information directly related to education, experience, and citizenship. The fine details can be in the Resume which will be in the Appendix: Resumes.
Travel justification should be included in 2 places: 1) Appendix 4 Cost Proposal, Section C.5 Cost Narrative - Travel. Provide the narrative as indicated. This does not have to be on a separate page. 2) “Travel” tab of Attachment 2 – excel cost worksheet. There is a box for Travel Justification.
Question: The Cover Page template is requesting a section of “Funding requested by calendar year.” Since this is expected to start September/October, this would run 3 calendar years. Unless I am missing something this is the only item that I found noting the budget needs to be separated out by calendar year. Is this correct?
Response: That is correct. However, if you want to split it by month (i.e., "1st 6 months" and "months 7-18", and label as such, that would be fine. They key is to label the time period.
Question: In the Cost Proposal Template in the Cost Worksheet would the performance period be the calendar year? If the performance period is different than calendar years, could we change the wording on the Cover Sheet from calendar year to “1st 6 months” and “months 7-18” even if that is not by calendar year?
Response: Yes, it would be appropriate to be consistent and use the performance period that is used on the cover sheet.
Table of contents and glossary are included in the Technical Proposal 8 page count. See Appendix 3A for a template. All items in the template section A count towards the 8 page limit of the Technical Proposal with the exception of the cover page and executive summary as noted. See the Round 7 Opportunity Announcement section 3.2 Submission Guidelines for page limited for the remaining sections of the Technical proposal:
- Proposer Prepared Statement of Work (no page limit);
- Student Experiential Engagement (2 pages);
- Technical Proposal Supplement (2 pages);
- Quad Chart (example/template (1 page);
- Technology Readiness Level (1 page);
- Full Length Resumes (max 5 pages each): principal investigator, subcontractors and consultants, if any; and
- Subcontractor Letters of Intent (LOI).
There is no page limit to the cost proposal.
Modifications to the templates provided can be made as needed -- as long as you adhere to the formatting requirements; as well as provide the requested information in the same order as in the template. MINIMAL modifications can be made to the Cover Page table to maintain uniformity of the information. The Cover Page should be 1 page. Modifications to Attachment 2 – Cost Worksheet can be made as appropriate for your organization and team structure. If modifications beyond formatting are made in the excel file, confirm that impacted formulas and links are correct.
OFRN Opportunity Announcement Appendix 3A Section A.12 (Subcontractors) states that consultants are considered as Subcontractors. If the consultant has a significant contribution to the project, then they should be listed as a subcontractor.
Clarification on Appendices and how they are numbered/what goes where? Instructions say to add Resumes and LOIs to the appendix, but it doesn’t say which number, is there a certain place these need to go/way these need to be labeled?
The order of documents in the Appendices should be:
- Resumes
- Letters of Intent
Question: We were hoping to learn more about the nature of the OFRN funds and their permissible utilization. Specifically, we would like to know if the funds can be used for equipment procurement or construction-renovation purposes, such as designing a specific educational lab to enhance Student Experience and Engagement related to this project?
Response: Regarding facilities and equipment: equipment purchases need to be realistic, supportable, essential to your research and fully utilized during your period of performance. If there is an essential need for equipment, it can be proposed but the point of this program is not to buy equipment. You are encouraged to look for alternative ways to get the capability so your funding can support your research.
When someone agrees to be a Federal collaborator for a project, they are not making any commitment to the team. All they are saying is that they have talked to you and they find your proposal “interesting”
Lines for the Lead Organization Tuition and Direct labor are in the Total Summary worksheet, but do not have direct links from the individual worksheets. There is a line at the bottom of the Total Summary worksheet for Total Cost Share.
Make adjustments to the form as needed. Many of these are copy/paste because of different needs of various organizations that don’t transfer neatly with formulas/links.
Recommended adjustments:
Direct Labor: Copy / paste columns from the Lead Organization’s Direct Labor worksheet to the Total Summary worksheet as needed
Tuition: copy / paste Tuition total from the Lead Organization’s ODC worksheet into the Total Summary worksheet as needed
Cost Share: insert the total cost share of Lead Organization and Subcontracts into the Total Proposed Cost Share line in Total Summary worksheetIt is not anticipated that the OFRN Round 6 solicitation submission deadline will be extended beyond 4/28/25 5:00 pm ET.
Question: In Appendix 3A section A.12 Subcontractors, the opportunity announcement says “All should be described in detail and also included in the cost proposal.” Do you want the detailed description of subcontractors in the Tech Proposal or the Cost Proposal or both?
Response: The detailed description of subcontractors should be in the Tech Proposal as indicated. The subcontractors listed in the Tech proposal should also be included in the Cost proposal – providing the information indicated in the Cost proposal.
They can be involved, but cannot be a recipient of funds. If they have significant involvement, they can contribute to cost share of the project and the individual(s) involved need listed in Key Personnel.
You are permitted to use a subcontractor located outside of Ohio as long as you meet the OFRN eligibility requirements that proposals must include a minimum of two Ohio public or private universities or colleges and one Ohio industry partner each with significant contribution to the proposed effort. Also, keep in mind that the OFRN Round 7 Opportunity Announcement is focused on expanding Ohio’s research and development capabilities across the state’s academic institutions and business in support of Ohio-based federal partner needs, which ultimately promotes Ohio’s economic growth; additionally, this may be a consideration of the Technical Review Council.
The solicitation Appendix 3A states in section A.12 “Private companies, consultants, or universities, all considered herein as subcontractors, may be involved in the project.” The physician can be a consultant and would be considered a partner/subcontractor.
Question: For the proposals, can we just include rolled up rate information for industry subcontractors? Usually, rate breakdown information is highly sensitive and only provided on certain government proposal directly to the federal agencies in sealed bid packages. Federal SBIR/STTR do not currently require sub breakdowns in labor costs (e.g. Fringe, OH, G&A).
Response: As long as we get the breakout of the rates for our analysis. Subcontractor should send an unsanitized version directly to Parallax for review if they don’t want to share with the lead organization IAW B.2 Subcontractor instructions of Business and Cost Proposal Template.
No, this is intended to display the viability of the project and outline interest in the technology. A.13 is additional required information if the technology has been proposed to the Government. They are complementary.
OFRN pays sub-contractors directly or the prime awardee pays them and invoices parallax for it… the text on the solicitation is quite confusing about this.. as it seems you call the prime awardee and the subcontractors both subcontractors…
OFRN pays the lead organization (prime awardee) only. In the terms of the question above, the prime awardee is a subcontractor to Parallax. The lead organization (prime awardee) would pay their subcontractors from the OFRN payment.
Question: We provide cost share to the OFRN -7 project using faculty Academic Year time, and graduate student partial tuitions. Since we are a State University, this is technically funded by the State of Ohio General Revenue Funds (GRF). Would it be possible to clarify this? Are we still allowed to provide faculty AY time as a cost share from the State University?
Response: to the extent the AY time is not GRF, it should be fine.
It is preferred that you submit the following in separate pdfs
1. Appendix 3A (1 file pdf format)
2. Appendix 4 Business & Cost Proposal (1 file pdf format)
3. Attachment 2: Excel Cost Worksheet (1 file excel format)
Follow up question: If so, do we need to mention all of them in the table of contents and accordingly provide page numbers?
Response - Table of contents applies to the Technical Proposal only.
Proposals can be for one or the other subtopic.
We're looking for AI-based solutions for this call.
The topics were written with real-time use in mind, but I think a training focus could be considered. It would likely depend on the details and how much of the described target capabilities can be incorporated.
Human-AI teaming would certainly be a component, but likely would not be the main focus.
both air and space; part might involve terrestrial applications
No on training. What was described fits subtopic 2. Yes, this fits in subtopic 2.
You can submit more than one proposal; but each proposal must address one subtopic.
Yes, it is on the OFRN website - in the solicitation round 7 tab. All solicitation documents are at the end of the webpage and can be downloaded.
If you need an introduction to a federal lab POC for your project, email with your request. Include the following: AOI and subtopic, and some information about what you are proposing (this will assist in finding an appropriate TPOC)
Yes, the Government POC in the cover page table (box 3) is the same as the Federal Collaborator/Sponsor.
The Federal collaborator cannot be considered one of the university team members. AFIT would be considered a university partner.
Question: OFRN R7 Solicitation: “In accordance with OFRN Round 7 eligibility requirements, proposals must include a minimum of two Ohio public or private universities or colleges and one industry partner (working from a location in Ohio) each with significant contribution to the proposed effort.” If a company proposes, then it seems there has to be two industry companies in Ohio, the one proposing and the industry partner. If a university proposes, maybe only one company has to be involved. We will probably have at least 2 companies anyway, but want to understand the ground rules.
Response: Regardless if the lead organization of the proposal submission is an Ohio university or an Industry company in Ohio, a project team should consist of 2 Ohio universities and 1 industry partner with a presence in Ohio. If a company proposes as the lead organization, then that company needs to have an office in Ohio. That meets the industry partner requirement. You can have additional industry partners, but the requirement has already been met.
Yes, a collaboration with an industry partner with a presence in Ohio is required.
Parallax does not own the IP. It is up to the project team and their teaming agreements.
The company does have to be headquartered in Ohio, an office in Ohio will suffice. We have had companies open an office in Ohio to participate in a project.
You can, but you have to meet the basic requirements: 2 universities from Ohio and 1 industry partner with a physical location in the state of Ohio and work should be done there.
Once you complete the partnership form -- whether you are looking for a partner or have capabilities to offer, we will post that to the OFRN Partner Inquiry section in the Matchmaking site.
There is a matchmaking option at the bottom of the round 7 solicitation site
Question: OFRN R7 Solicitation: I’m working on a proposal idea for round 7. Our concept might benefit from having a partner who is involved in educating robotics technicians (as opposed to robotics engineers). Therefore, we are wondering if Ohio Technical Centers (OTCs) are considered “Ohio colleges and universities” for the purposes of OFRN Round 7 or not.
Response: OTCs are not considered Universities or colleges but could easily be a partner on the project. If you need help locating two university/college partners, don’t hesitate to use the matchmaking process on the OFRN website.
You will need to have your team put together for the proposal submission.
Question: OFRN R7 Solicitation: Language on industry organizations in the Eligibility Information section (2.5). The requirement indicates that, “At least one commercial/ industry organization with a physical presence in Ohio (either for-profit or not-for-profit); this organization must be incorporated in the U.S. and be at least 51% owned and controlled by U.S. citizens or permanent resident aliens.” We’ve participated in previous Opportunities and haven’t seen this requirement before. Is this a flow-down from the Ohio Dept of Higher Ed funding, or is it a requirement imposed by one of the Federal participants in the program? Most of the agencies have recently established some type of requirement with regard to foreign ownership or involvement…They’re all different.
We are US non-profit…We have an affiliation with a Canadian non-profit, but we’re not owned by them. We’ll want to touch on that in our proposal, and it would be useful for us to know that the origin of the requirement is, so we can be as clear as possible. Any guidance you can provide would be helpful
Response: The eligibility requirement regarding U.S. ownership and control is rooted in the guidelines established by the Small Business Administration (SBA) for the SBIR/STTR programs, which OFRN aims to mirror as closely as possible. The specific clause regarding 51% U.S. ownership and control is not a flow-down from the Ohio Department of Higher Education, but rather a standard federal eligibility criterion that is typically imposed by the SBA and other federal entities participating in similar programs.
Regarding your affiliation with the Canadian non-profit, we understand that many organizations have international partnerships. As long as your company meets the solicitations requirements for U.S. incorporation and 51% ownership/control by U.S. citizens or permanent resident aliens, you should be eligible to participate. It would be helpful to clearly outline this in your proposal to avoid any confusion, noting the distinction between your U.S. status and the affiliation with the Canadian organization. This ensures entities will be eligible for follow-on SBIR, STTR funds.
The leading PI can be from academia or industry.
There should be at least 1 student participating in the project's SEE.
Your entire team does not need to be formed by the training.
Question: OFRN R7 Solicitation: Attachment 1A subcontract terms) and wanted to validate that this is truly considered a No Fee activity for industry leads (or if that was intended for academic organizations only). I see section 3.9.5 is for exceptions, but wanted to cross-check if fee is something that Parallax will consider for industry led programs.
Response: That is correct, this is a cost reimbursement subcontract. There is no fee.
UDRI would count as a university
reach out the with your request.
Co-PIs are allowed
Consult attachment 5. If you have a question about a specific example, send to
No, cost-share is not required for the proposal but is encouraged.
Our federal partners are AFRL, NASA-GRC, NASIC and NAMRU-D. Your partner must come from one of these four.
Yes, email Be sure to include AOI and subtopic, and information about your proposed project that would assist in finding the appropriate federal partner.
Email with your request. Be sure to include AOI and subtopic as well as information that would assist in making a federal connection.
Federal partner/collaborator is required
That is correct.
No - However, identifying follow-on funding is encouraged.
Do not obtain/submit a support letter from the federal partner. We require their name and contact information in the cover page line 3.
You are welcome to reach out to your established contacts from AFRL and NASA.
The OFRN awarded funds will be filtered/distributed through the lead/primary organization.
Yes - follow-on funding can come from anywhere, i.e., federal as part of the SBA program or VC and other state funding is great.
They need to be U.S. citizens, legal permanent resident, or eligible to obtain the necessary export license to participate in the project. Foreign nationals are strongly discouraged from involvement in the performance of work on this opportunity.
Do not go below 10 size.
The application cover page does not count in the page limit. You can start page numbering after that page.
The table of contents and glossary do not have to be on their own separate pages. You can run them together.
Having an office is fine. We have had companies open an office in Ohio to participate in a project.
Yes, but you must first meet the team requirement of 2 universities in Ohio. It is recommended that the majority of the funding be within the state of Ohio.
No, you just need to make sure it is disclosed in the proposal.
No - in fact your federal partners can help with publishing and connections if needed. We encourage publishing results throughout the POP.
A technical resume (maximum 5 pages) for the Principal Investigator (PI), including publications, if any, must also be included. Concise technical resumes for subcontractors and consultants, if any, are also useful.
There are templates for the technical and business proposals to follow that includes additional guidance (Appendices 3A and 4).
They need to be U.S. citizens, legal permanent resident, or eligible to obtain the necessary export license to participate in the project. Foreign nationals are strongly discouraged from involvement in the performance of work on this opportunity.
Foreign nationals are strongly discouraged from involvement in the performance of work on this opportunity.
The Lead organization is not considered as a subcontractor.
Finalists - i.e., proposals that will continue to the Technical Review Council for ranking in each AOI. Awardees will be notified in July/August.
The plan for OFRN is to have the awardees selected NLT August. At that point the timeline shifts to the academic/industry partners and our contracting to get the project started. For our academic partners, getting your university to expedite the contracting process is critical.
A pdf of the slides will be emailed to participants after the session. If you don't receive a copy of the slides, please email
Yes, UDRI is considered as a university partner.
OFRN does not provide examples of successful proposals. Tips for success have been provided throughout the information sessions an proposal training. Recordings of the information sessions can be found on the OFRN Round 7 Solicitation website Key Dates and Events: To view a recording of the March 6th proposal training webinar, email to request a link for access.
Award amounts from previous rounds fall in the range of $800K to $1.5M. The range for OFRN Round 7 is $800K to $1.25M.
Yes, AFIT would be considered a university partner.
The AOIs are listed in detail in the solicitation. You may also want to review the recordings of the information sessions on Feb. 10 and 25. They can be found on the Round 7 solicitation website
It all depends on how much OFRN receives from the State in the State's 2 year budget that will be released by June 30, 2025. Other factors include the number of proposals submitted.
No, the team lead generally negotiates with the team members on the split of work and consequently the split of the overall award. OFRN has no part in that determination.
No, federal partners do not share funding and should not be built into your budget. The program is funded by the State of Ohio and the funding cannot go to a federal entity.
No, that is up to the agreements between all of the parties/organizations that are part of the proposal.
Yes, you will want to include indirect costs in your budget.
No, the Cleveland Clinic Foundation is a non-profit and would not be counted as a university partner. CCF would be counted as an industry partner.
Yes, recordings of the information sessions can be found on the OFRN Round 7 Solicitation website Key Dates and Events:
No restrictions. Just make sure you have a POC from one of our federal partners that supports your proposal.
There is no requirement/deadline to disclose intent to submit a proposal and the team on the proposal prior to the proposal submission; however, your proposal must meet the team requirements when it is submitted; although team members can be added or subtracted at a later date with OFRN concurrence.
The OFRN Round 7 Offeror Conference and Proposal Training held on 3/6/25 is mandatory for each proposal submission. At a minimum, one member from each proposal team needs to attend the webinar. The webinar was recorded and is available to those who were unable to attend and plan to submit a proposal. Email and indicate the reason for why you would like to view the recording. Provide a name and email of the person who needs to access the recording. Attendance as a session in a previous round does not satisfy this requirement.
Anyone can view the recording of the March 6th training. They will need to email and indicate the reason for why they would like to view the recording. Provide a name and email of the person who needs to access the recording.
If you are referring to the Statement of Work (SOW), Follow the recommended format on page 3 and provide the information requested.
Appendix 2 contains information regarding the SEE. In Appendix 3A (Technical Proposal Template) – information regarding your SEE should include an overview of the project that outlines the purpose, expectations, innovation opportunities, team members, timeline, and budget. (Maximum 2 pages). There is no additional documentation for the proposal required for this section.