The project addresses sensor needs in the commercial aerospace and defense markets by developing low cost, manufacturable, and miniaturized Flash Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technologies that operate at 1.55 and 2 micron wavelengths, which are currently unavailable commercially. The project team is engaging student interns in all phases of the research as part of our efforts to train a high-tech workforce and establish Ohio as a leader in Flash LiDAR research and manufacturing.
Our objectives, approach, and expected outcomes support the development of a Flash LiDAR engine that would serve as a foundational testbed capability for further technology development and demonstration on critical subsystems beyond the scope of the Ohio Federal Research Network program. The Flash LiDAR engine will enable the team to test new Focal Plane Array (FPA) technology (which we will mature from an entry Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 3 to an exit TRL of 4) operating at 1.55 and 2 microns. This engine will provide immediate benefit to the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) and NASA research efforts.
The ALTITUDE project is establishing long-term economic benefits for Ohio by founding a robust Flash LiDAR market. The immediate economic impact of this project involves establishing an aerospace LiDAR technology base, training a highly talented technical workforce, creating new high-tech jobs (up to 50 new jobs by 2025), licensing university-owned intellectual property, securing follow-on funding from federal and industry sponsors (approximately $14.5 million by 2025), and enhancing capabilities within existing Ohio-based small and large companies to address future LiDAR product manufacturing.