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Matchmaking Sign-Up
Matchmaking Sign-Up
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Partner Sought
OFRN is providing this partnering and matchmaking service to help those that need to find a required partner(s) or are looking to join a team for an OFRN proposal. To assist in providing introductions, we need to know more about you, your organization, and your requirements for a partner(s). Please thoroughly complete the form below. You will be prompted to update or delete your information after six months of active inclusion to help keep our database current and up-to-date. OFRN will facilitate all requested introductions; it is up to you whether you choose to pursue them.
Your Information
PI/Lead - Academia
PI/Lead - Industry
Researcher - Academia
Researcher - Industry
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Organization Name
Organization type
Small Business
Mid-sized Business
Large Business
Please select the area of interest(s) or technical competence within your organization (check all that apply)
7.7.a. Advanced Materials Technology – Critical Materials Supply for Aerospace: Methods for Production, Joining, and Modeling of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) Alloys
7.7.b. Advanced Materials Technology – Critical Materials Supply for Aerospace: Thermally Conductive, Electrically Insulating Materials
7.3.b. Aerospace Power Management, Materials, and Distribution: Aerospace Electrification – Relevant, HV/HP, Fault-Smart Switch Gear
7.3.a. Aerospace Power Management, Materials, and Distribution: Safe Partial Discharge Corona aware high voltage cable for aerospace
7.6.a. Autonomy: Autonomous Systems Operations
7.6.b. Autonomy: Operator defined metrics for trusted autonomy
7.4.a. Commercial Space in Low Earth Orbit: Low Leakage Cryogenic Valves
7.4.b. Commercial Space in Low Earth Orbit: Space-Based Space Situational Awareness
7.2.b. Health and Human Performance: AI-supported logistics planning for operational commanders
7.2.a. Health and Human Performance: Predictive AI to support medical triage, life-saving interventions, and medical logistics utilization across the continuum of En route care
7.1.b. Hypersonics: High Speed Aircraft Thermal Management and Heat Rejection Technology
7.1.a. Hypersonics: Materials and Technology to Enable Variable Geometry of Aerodynamic Surfaces
7.5.a. Quantum Technologies: Sensing and timing systems with reduced bias error or increased sensitivity
7.5.b. Quantum Technologies: System component or integration technologies to enable miniaturization, increased function, or operation in mission relevant or extreme environments
Please enter any other technical competencies and/or capabilities, such as equipment or facilities, within your organization
Please provide a brief explanation of your technology and/or capabilities (DO NOT list the name of your company or academic institution)
Please provide a brief explanation of the technology and/or capabilities sought (DO NOT list the name of your company or academic institution)
Text entered here will be shown on the search listing. DO NOT include company and/or academic institution names.
Partner Sought
Please select the type of partner for which you are looking (if any)
Academic research partner
Industry partner
Both academic and industry partners
Please select the area of interest(s) or technical competence requested in a partner or partners (check all that apply)
7.7.a. Advanced Materials Technology – Critical Materials Supply for Aerospace: Methods for Production, Joining, and Modeling of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) Alloys
7.7.b. Advanced Materials Technology – Critical Materials Supply for Aerospace: Thermally Conductive, Electrically Insulating Materials
7.3.b. Aerospace Power Management, Materials, and Distribution: Aerospace Electrification – Relevant, HV/HP, Fault-Smart Switch Gear
7.3.a. Aerospace Power Management, Materials, and Distribution: Safe Partial Discharge Corona aware high voltage cable for aerospace
7.6.a. Autonomy: Autonomous Systems Operations
7.6.b. Autonomy: Operator defined metrics for trusted autonomy
7.4.a. Commercial Space in Low Earth Orbit: Low Leakage Cryogenic Valves
7.4.b. Commercial Space in Low Earth Orbit: Space-Based Space Situational Awareness
7.2.b. Health and Human Performance: AI-supported logistics planning for operational commanders
7.2.a. Health and Human Performance: Predictive AI to support medical triage, life-saving interventions, and medical logistics utilization across the continuum of En route care
7.1.b. Hypersonics: High Speed Aircraft Thermal Management and Heat Rejection Technology
7.1.a. Hypersonics: Materials and Technology to Enable Variable Geometry of Aerodynamic Surfaces
7.5.a. Quantum Technologies: Sensing and timing systems with reduced bias error or increased sensitivity
7.5.b. Quantum Technologies: System component or integration technologies to enable miniaturization, increased function, or operation in mission relevant or extreme environments
Please enter any other requested technical competencies
Please enter any equipment or facilities desired
Please read and agree to the terms below: *
Engagement Terms for Becoming an OFRN Portfolio Customer:
During the course of our assistance, associates from OFRN and its partners will devote considerable time and sometimes financial resources on your behalf. These resources are available as a direct result of funding from the State of Ohio. Accordingly, we will ask you to complete a brief survey twice a year to gain insights on your success leveraging this platform.
Information will be treated carefully and confidentially. By checking “I Agree” below, you acknowledge that the data provided is accurate. Please note that OFRN and its partners will not be able to provide matchmaking services if this survey is not complete.
Engagement Length:
If in working together, OFRN determines that your research/growth plans are no longer synergistic with the OFRN program parameters and goals, or if you determine that your research/growth plans no longer align with OFRN program parameters and goals, either party can disengage with the other with a written notice. Please note that after disengaging, you will be required to provide metrics to OFRN gathered through a brief annual survey for several years beyond the end of the engagement.
Advice and guidance provided by OFRN do not reflect official instruction of the State of Ohio or its Federal Partners. Any decisions you make accepting or rejecting advice or assistance are made solely of your own accord. By checking “I Agree” below, you waive all warranties related to the assistance we provide you, and you also agree that neither Parallax Advanced Research, its directors, officers, and employees nor agents shall be liable to you for damages, including, without limitation, loss of profit or business opportunity.
We encourage you to publicize your relationship as an OFRN Portfolio company/academic institution. For more information, please contact the OFRN Team at
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