The Ohio State Aviation Forum on Sustainability and Decarbonization
Event status
Expoevent ended
Confirmed for Wednesday, April 6, 2022

The Ohio State Aviation Forum on Sustainability and Decarbonization provides an opportunity for a select group of industry, government, and academic thought leaders to identify high-level challenges impeding the aviation sector from reducing its carbon footprint and implementing more sustainable practices.  By learning and sharing information, the event seeks to better define these challenges and take a first step toward designing research that would contribute potential solutions.  Desired outcomes include:

  • Deeper communication between Ohio State and its aviation partners
  • Peer-to-peer learning, especially between smaller and larger companies
  • Insights into the direction of federal efforts to promote sustainable aviation
  • Identification of university-industry collaborations to pursue federal funding
  • Support for smaller aviation companies with research needs
Event host
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